Thursday, March 28, 2013

pH is a MAJOR Indicator of Your Health

Alkaline Urine pH/Alkaline Saliva pH

                With the urine pH and saliva pH both over 6.5 this would mean that your pH is anionic. Anionic is a term Dr. Reams used to differentiate the amount of energy an atom contains. It is also used to depict the direction of spin of the electron, and to some degree would indicate that the movement is faster than if it were cationic.

The Following paragraphs are cited from "Biological Ionization as it Applies to Human Nutrition" by Dr. Beddoe
An arrangement of pH where both urine and saliva are above 6.5 will mean that the person is in a biochemical pattern for constipation. The system is overloaded with toxins from the usual metabolic wastes of cell function and also from the bowel reabsorbing putrefactive chemicals due to the fecal matter remaining in the system too long.  

The presence of parasites is very likely in this range, since free room and board is being provided. This pH configuration will aggravate deterioration of disks, especially those in the back.  Deterioration of cartilage tissue is also aggravated.  Upper respiratory and sinus congestion will be aggravated, as will lymph congestion.   This type of person may be prone to lung infections.  In the years when tuberculosis was  a problem, this type of chemistry would have made this person very likely to come down with the disease.  Body odors, from breath to feet to bowel gas, will be symptoms related to this pattern.

Anatomically, this type of person would have an abdomen that would become more distended with age (other reasons also play into this).  In later life, there is a tendency to be overweight.  There is often a problem with skin pigmentation, because this pattern usually means that vitamin D is ratioed in the direction of excess.  An anionic pH will increase the production of melanin, or skin pigment, causing more energy to be absorbed from the sun, resulting in greater vitamin D production.  Blood pressure can be affected. Various types of skin tumors and lesions, boils and cysts may develop.  Tooth decay can be excessive, especially when the overall diet has been poor.  Women may complain of cracking, splitting, and ridged fingernails.  Women’s menstrual cycles can become very uncomfortable, with excessive hemorrhage and/or cramping, because of the body trying to use the uterus as a point of dumping toxins from other areas of the body.  PMS is a potential in this configuration.  

The right side of the body will be the weak side, which means that this person will have a strong tendency for developing curvature of the spine to the left, as the body pulls toward the strong side.  Of course, this depends on how long this pattern has been in existence.  You may not realize it, but a person with this anionic pH pattern will have a tendency to cross the left leg over the right when sitting or favor standing on the left leg (strong side) while standing for long periods of time.  From a chiropractic standpoint, the left leg will tend to be shorter than the right, unless the person prefers sleeping on the strong side (left).  In that situation the spine will have an “S” curve configuration, meaning that the right hip will be higher than the usual strong side.  Vitamin C is very lacking in the system; and, in this situation, high levels of vitamin C can be used to provide extra cations in the diet to help lower the pH.  Mega doses of vitamin C may be used in this pattern, depending on how strongly anionic the pH, but, remember, when the body is forced to change pH ranges without the understanding of how mineral energy, especially calciums, fit into the picture, the body will not respond consistently.  The excess vitamin C may result in aggravating excessive gas and/or diarrhea. End citation

pH of Your Urine and Saliva is an Important Health Indicator

Are you concerned about the pH balance of your body? Are you a bit confused about who to listen to? Most pH professionals tell you that your pH should run above 6.8, at a very slightly acid state actually if you consider 7.0 to be where acid and alkaline are split.  In RBTI we don't use acid and alkaline, we consider anionic and cationic more appropriate terms. In RBTI the split between anionic and cationic is at 6.4 pH. When your body pH is at 6.4 using the urine and saliva to test this, then your digestion is getting the ultimate amount of energy out of the food you are eating. You are then able to get the maximum amount of minerals necessary for maintaining a healthy mind and body out of the food you eat, so you can then decrease the amount of supplements you must take.

If you are interested in working with me as your Health Coach, set up an appointment for a FREE Health Evaluation.  I do not diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate or in any way affect a disease or condition you may be dealing with. I DO teach you how to improve your lifestyle habits to enhance your body's own ability to become healthy.  Your body is the only true "healer".

Comments are welcome! Let's have a conversation.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Comfortable Clothes Are Key to Health

Clothes Should Fit Comfortably for Best Health

According to personal experience and that of many others, loose clothing is better for you.  The tighter your clothes are, the more they restrict the natural flows of the body. For your body to obtain and maintain the best health possible, it must be able to "breathe".  There are millions of capillaries right under your skin that need to be able to move blood, that's 2 times their size, through them. This doesn't happen effectively with tight clothing.

Check out this turtleneck tunic by Gaiam. It's loose and flowing. This tunic also improves a woman's figure. How you look in your clothes is just as important as how you feel. Quite a few people wear tight clothes because they believe it makes them look better, therefore they feel better about themselves. Notice how this tunic shapes the figure while still remaining loose?

Clothes Should Make You Feel GOOD About Yourself Too

If you wear tight jeans to show off your derriere, then that is what makes you feel good about yourself. Find a way to show off in looser-fitting clothes or stretch style materials. Think here about yoga clothes. Could you imagine trying to do yoga in the clothes you are currently sporting?

 Take a look at the lady in this ad. She would have pins and needles all over the place if she were to try doing this in tight clothing that didn't have any give. I'd be willing to bet she feels pretty good about herself. Her blood is able to flow, she's able to breathe fully, she can freely move in any way she likes without being restricted. If you'd like to check out these kinds of clothes, just click the images. I like shopping at Gaiam (in case you can't tell). They have items that enhance your health, your self image, and your life in general.

Although not as important as your clothes, it is important to wear shoes that are properly fitted to your feet. If they are too tight, they will restrict the flow of your meridians which all flow to your feet. Blood flow to your feet is also of uttermost importance if you want to maintain healthy skin and nails down there for life. Not that tight shoes is the only reason for ugly feet, it is a leading factor.

Next Time Think Before You Dress

You've probably heard the term "Dress for Success", now you need to think in terms of "Dress for Health". How you dress will make a big impact on your health in every facet: Mental health, Physical health, Emotional health, and even Spiritual health.

Don't hesitate to leave a comment and tell me about your experiences with clothes being too tight!