Heart Illumination by zaldy icaonapo
Achieving ideal health receives a tremendous push in the right direction when we love ourselves. Who you are as a person is very important to your overall well-being, but, how you accept yourself for who you are carries even more weight than the nutrients you take and the diet you strictly adhere to. Realizing that thoughts are substances and that we think in pictures exclusively, I would recommend that you start developing the habit of picturing every part of your body as perfect. That includes how you think, how you act, how you look, and how you feel. I realize this may be difficult for some and very difficult to impossible for others, but it is worth a shot for the sake of being healthy, happy, and wise. To picture yourself as God pictures you is to see yourself perfectly whole. God made you the way he wanted you to be and you made you the way you wanted you to be. Now it's time to return to the perfect way God wanted you to be-healthy. So picture yourself in your mind, based not upon how you feel, but on how you really are. This is loving yourself as God loves you.
The mineral energy supplied in the RBTI program has its beginnings in Light and is designed to rebuild your body. Food energy is nothing more than congealed light energy. This understanding of light energy is what brought about the atom bomb! You can enhance your health tremendously by picturing LIGHT as the source of all the material substance of your being. Picture God's Light-Substance bathing every cell, molecule, and atom of your being. Feel the Light-Love of God healing and renewing a distorted image, pixel by pixel, until the time comes when the picture is perfect once again.
Take a mental look at the thoughts that are ailing you, your dis-eased thoughts, and know that you do not have to accept them. There is no need to deny them. Denial is not how you deal with dis-eased thoughts. However, there is no need to claim them and give them permission to stay around. Replace them with healthy thoughts, the pixel by pixel image, and soon they will stop returning.
I suggest that, from the time you wake up in the morning until the time you go to bed at night, you practice loving yourself. For example, let's say you were diagnosed with a possible terminal illness. During your day, whenever you are reminded of this dis-ease by certain symptoms or worries about the potential outcome, know that you can change your mind about your view of this condition. Instead of seeing it as something that is a problem, see it as something that has a solution. Remember, you don't solve a problem by concentrating on it. The only thing worry succeeds in doing is to keep you from finding solutions to the problem you are worrying about. Instead, concentrate on the solution! Train yourself at the first reminder of the dis-ease to love yourself. Replace the dis-eased thought with a perfect picture of yourself perfectly happy and healthy. Continuously review the pictures of wholeness and completeness of your body as it is being bathed in the Light-Love of God.
Visualize and experience the feeling of joy and happiness that the Love, Light, and Wholeness of God instills in you right now. It is you! Your Real Self!