Saturday, August 13, 2011

LOVE Yourself

 Heart Illumination by zaldy icaonapo

Achieving ideal health receives a tremendous push in the right direction when we love ourselves.  Who you are as a person is very important to your overall well-being, but, how you accept yourself for who you are carries even more weight than the nutrients you take and the diet you strictly adhere to.  Realizing that thoughts are substances and that we think in pictures exclusively, I would recommend that you start developing the habit of picturing every part of your body as perfect.  That includes how you think, how you act, how you look, and how you feel.  I realize this may be difficult for some and very difficult to impossible for others, but it is worth a shot for the sake of being healthy, happy, and wise.  To picture yourself as God pictures you is to see yourself perfectly whole.  God made you the way he wanted you to be and you made you the way you wanted you to be.  Now it's time to return to the perfect way God wanted you to be-healthy.  So picture yourself in your mind, based not upon how you feel, but on how you really are.  This is loving yourself as God loves you.

The mineral energy supplied in the RBTI program has its beginnings in Light and is designed to rebuild your body.  Food energy is nothing more than congealed light energy.  This understanding of light energy is what brought about the atom bomb! You can enhance your health tremendously by picturing LIGHT as the source of all the material substance of your being.  Picture God's Light-Substance bathing every cell, molecule, and atom of your being.  Feel the Light-Love of God healing and renewing a distorted image, pixel by pixel, until the time comes when the picture is perfect once again.

Take a mental look at the thoughts that are ailing you, your dis-eased thoughts, and know that you do not have to accept them.  There is no need to deny them.  Denial is not how you deal with dis-eased thoughts. However, there is no need to claim them and give them permission to stay around.  Replace them with healthy thoughts, the pixel by pixel image, and soon they will stop returning.

I suggest that, from the time you wake up in the morning until the time you go to bed at night, you practice loving yourself.  For example, let's say you were diagnosed with a possible terminal illness.  During your day, whenever you are reminded of this dis-ease by certain symptoms or worries about the potential outcome, know that you can change your mind about your view of this condition.  Instead of seeing it as something that is a problem, see it as something that has a solution.  Remember, you don't solve a problem by concentrating on it.  The only thing worry succeeds in doing is to keep you from finding solutions to the problem you are worrying about.  Instead, concentrate on the solution!  Train yourself at the first reminder of the dis-ease to love yourself.  Replace the dis-eased thought with a perfect picture of yourself perfectly happy and healthy.  Continuously review the pictures of wholeness and completeness of your body as it is being bathed in the Light-Love of God.

Visualize and experience the feeling of joy and happiness that the Love, Light, and Wholeness of God instills in you right now.  It is you!  Your Real Self!

Dr. Carey A. Reams - A Bio

Dr. Carey ReamsCarey A. Reams (1903-1985) was a man ahead of his time. Trained in mathematics, biophysics, and biochemistry he made many discoveries in the fields of human health, plant growth, energetics, animal health, and soil restoration. These findings were later codified in an overall view of life and energy known as Reams Biological Theory of Ionization (RBTI). Reams summarized his beliefs by saying:
"God is the basis of life, life is the basis of energy, energy is the basis of matter."

Throughout more than 5 decades Reams worked as a consultant, researcher, and lecturer. A significant milestone in Reams' life occurred in 1931. Due to a "friend in need" Reams spent 3 days fasting and praying trying to figure out how to help this friend.  During this period of prayer and fasting Reams received a divine revelation of the biochemistry numbers for humans in perfect health.

Foundational for Reams' life and success as a scientist was his faith in God. As a disciple of Jesus he sought to live his life according to the biblical standard.

As a mathematical genius Reams was very familiar with Einstein's energy equation and understood its significance. During his many years of friendship with Albert Einstein he once chided him saying 'you know how to take matter apart but you don't know how to put it back together again.' Einstein immediately shot back that figuring out how to do that was Reams' job.

According to Reams, "Ionization is God's laws putting things together and taking them apart ion by ion." Dave Larson, a student of Reams and Skow, put it this way; "Biological Ionization is the study of how energy becomes matter and how matter becomes energy on a continuous basis." According to Reams, RBTI offers a way to measure the energy in elements, compounds, and biological systems including humans. The loss of energy in humans is the beginning of disease. More information on this subject can be learned by reading Reams' book "Choose Life or Death," available from Pike Agri-Lab Supplies.

Ream's contribution to agriculture was just as significant as his contribution to human health. Reams taught that the functional foundation of nature is electromagnetic and that the chemistry of nature is secondary. Reams applied this concept to plant growth. He maintained that plants grow through the process of ionization-similar to an electroplating machine. Likewise soil fertilization is done from an electromagnetic perspective as well. This is done by balancing the positive and negative charges.

Fertilizers are viewed as energy packages used to build and balance the electromagnetic field of the soil. The minerals in the fertilizers carry specific energy forms. These energy packages (fertilizers) react with opposing charges in the soil during the process of synchronization. This synchronization of opposite charges provides a release of energy, which drives plant growth.

 It's just common sense that if the soil does NOT contain nutirents needed for "health", then what is grown in the soil will not have them either. This is why it is so vital to consume food grown in nutritionally balanced soil.

When Dr. Reams died he left the legacy of his discovery to the students of the world.  Anybody can learn this method of testing your urine and saliva to find out what's wrong so you can move toward perfect health. 

Please leave a comment and visit my Health Coaching website.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What is Spirulina?

Spirulina (Spirulina Plantensis) is a microscopic freshwater plant, an aquatic micro-vegetable/organism composed of transparent bubble-thin cells stacked end-to-end forming a helical spiral filament.
In these tiny plants are found the highest levels of chlorophyll, protein, beta-carotene and nucleic, more so than any other plant or animal food.

It is a whole-food, not a concentrate, not an extract. It is detoxifying. A person can not eat too much and overdose on Spirulina. It contains more bio-chelated organic iron than any other whole-food. Bio-chelated means that the iron will easily be assimilated into the body. Spirulina has 58 times the iron of raw spinach and 28 times that of raw beef liver.

It contains more beta-carotene than any other whole food. Beta-carotene determines how our cells communicate with one another. "Beta carotene opens the membrane communication channels of cancerous and pre-cancerous cells, allowing the body to signal the cancerous cells to stop dividing. Therefore, foods rich in beta carotene may not only be able to prevent but also reverse cancers. (Wolf 1992)" (Spirulina, Nature's Superfood). Research as demonstrated that beta-carotene can lower cholesterol, treat wounds and reduce the size of tumors. Natural beta-carotene is far superior to synthetic, both chemically and physically. It absorbs better into the body than synthetic and it will NOT build up in the body and become toxic. There are NO toxic side effects with Spirulina the way there are with other blue green algae such as AFA (Afanzamon Flos Aqua, commonly known as Bluegreen Algae).

It is the richest source of natural antioxidants of any whole-food source. It contains every natural known antioxidant including zinc, manganese, selenium and copper, the amino acid methionine, vitamin E, vitamins B-1 and B-6, the amino acid methionine and of course, beta-carotene. It is rich in chlorophyll, much richer than wheat grass and alfalfa.

Spirulina contains more Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA) than any other whole-food source.

Phycocyanin, which is the natural blue pigment of Spirulina, is not found in any other food on the plant.

Glycolipid, which is found in Spirulina, have been found to be active against the AIDS virus (Boyd et al 1989).

Spirulina is a rich, natural source of phenylalanine-slimmers; Spirulina effectively suppresses the appetite. Its whole food nutrition facilitates low-calorie dieting without the energy draining and health destroying nutritional deficiencies that are the downfall of most weight-loss programs. Spirulina satisfies hunger because it fulfills the body's nutritional and biochemical needs.

Virtually all multiple vitamin/mineral supplements today are laboratory-synthesized chemical compounds. Yet, according to internationally acclaimed author and nutritionist Dr. Paavo Airola: "It is wisest and safest to take vitamins and minerals in the form of food supplements where they occur in their natural form and strength, and in combination with all of the other nutritive factors such as enzymes and trace elements, for optimum assimilation and biological activity."

Dynamic Energy and Endurance Nutritionally enlightened fitness enthusiasts, body-builders, professional coaches and competitive athletes are reporting increased energy, enhanced endurance, and other exciting performance improvements with Spirulina.

Hundreds of Olympic and world champion athletes use Spirulina both during training and competition. Olympian Lees Evans, double gold medalist and holder of four world records in track and field, says: "Spirulina improved my training, resulting in faster times... increased my stamina and endurance." Now as a coach, Lee insists all his athletes use Spirulina.

NASA considers Spirulina an ideal food to grow on space stations and has researched the possibility of using it on long-term space flights. It will become one of the first foods grown on the new Space Station when it is completed. It is one of the most efficient, oxygen-generating foods known.

Spirulina produces all its nutrients by harvesting sunlight. It gathers and transforms sunlight into green and blue pigments that make it a blue green algae. The blue is an amino acid group found only in Spirulina called phycocyanin, which accounts for its high concentration of vegetarian protein. The green in Spirulina is chlorophyll, one of the best natural detoxifiers known.

Spirulina is an extremely high energy food. It contains all the B vitamins, which are themselves synonymous with high energy. Energy derived from whole foods such as Spirulina and Chlorella are natural and will never leave you flat after their nutrients have been consumed by the body. Scientific studies world-wide have demonstrated the incredible health properties of spirulina.

Water, nitrogen, phosphorus, carbon dioxide and sunlight are all that is needed to produce Spirulina, one of the most nutritionally packed foods in the world, an absolutely astounding array of enzymes and other nutrients.

Spirulina has been eaten by many cultures throughout history. The Aztecs and Mayas used Spirulina as a central part of their diet. The Kanembu people, who live along the shores of Lake Chad , still use it today. NASA considers Spirulina an ideal food and plans to grow and use it on long-term space flights. It will be one of the first foods grown on the Space Station. Spirulina is one of the most efficient, oxygen-generating foods in existence. It is extremely easy to grow and takes less room per cubic centimeter than any other crop known, yielding an enormous amount of nutrition.

Spirulina and Chlorella are ideal foods to feed a starving world. They have been used in Third World Countries to relieve hunger with great effectiveness because they are inexpensive, nutritionally compact and not given to quick spoilage.

To purchase Spirulina tablets please visit The Natural News Store Bulk Organics.

Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Fwd: In The Event Your Looking To Get Healthy Try Having A Stroll

Here's an article I think is very good for all of us to take a look at.  It's simple.  Just walk.

By Chris King

For anybody looking to get and stay healthy you will find
that physical exercise will be a great help. Of course you will hear
all the time that people are just too busy and do not have the time.
Or even worse, some individuals are so obese that they simply can't
exercise without having chest discomfort or other kinds of issues.
Getting physical exercise doesn't mean investing hours a day at the
gym, there are other ways that take less time and tend to be much
easier. Walking is one of those simple and easy ways to start getting
the exercise you require. Here I am going to cover the extensive
benefits that people can find by merely taking a walk.
Your heart health and also you cardiovascular health will both be
benefited when you begin walking. Your heart winds up working a little
harder and also pumping a little harder every time you take a walk in
order to deliver the blood through your entire body. The added blood
doesn't just wind up heading to your legs but additionally your arms
as you make use of your arms also when your walking. Although your
heart won't be pumping as hard as if you were jogging, that little bit
of extra effort your heart has to pump will help strengthen your
heart. Your heart health is essential and every little thing you do
that may help your heart you should do.
You need to also realize that this walking is also excellent for your
entire cardiovascular system. For most people you will recognize that
any time you go out for a walk you're going to be breathing just a
little bit harder. More than likely you realize that the harder you
breathe the more robust your lungs get, but you will also be
furnishing your blood with more oxygen that also means your muscles
are receiving more oxygen. This really is quite simple, as you breathe
harder you receive more oxygen, this oxygen ends up in your blood that
is then carried to your muscles. Great cardiovascular health is
essential to maintaining a healthy life.
The greatest thing about taking a walk is that you don't need any
extra equipment or even a health club membership. When it comes to
picking out the time to take a walk, merely get up 1/2 an hour earlier
each morning and go for a walk. In the morning hours your metabolism
will be running in low gear. You'll be able to get your metabolism
functioning by taking a walk when you get up. Starting your day off by
getting your metabolism running will help you not to feel as slow
during the day. Even after your walk your metabolism will keep
working, helping you to burn the calories that you wind up consuming
at breakfast. Also you should try to walk right after your evening
meal as this will also help burn off calories. Needless to say if you
want to make the most benefits try to walk throughout the day if
You also don't have to go all out and start off with a five mile walk
each morning. By starting up merely walking a mile or so each day can
really make a massive difference with your health. Also something you
might notice in a small amount of time is that you are beginning to
shed some extra weight.