First, if the number is very low (from 0 - 1.2) you would expect to be experiencing hypoglycemic (low blood sugar) symptoms, as your pancreas is "dumping" too much insulin.
Second, if the number is very high (above 5.5) you may be experiencing diabetic-like (high blood sugar) symptoms, and your pancreas is not able to create enough insulin.
Third, if the reading is between 2 and 5.49 (known as the "Zone of Misery), your blood sugar level could drop at any time into the hypoglycemic range.
Finally, if your urine carbohydrates are reading between 1.2 and 2.0 brix then you are doing good. This is where your sugars reading needs to remain throughout the entire healing process. Once your body's mineral balance is stabilized and the rest of the numbers remain in the best range long enough, the sugars reading should stabilize at 1.5 brix regardless of what you eat (assuming good eating habits for the most part-common sense again).
In order to help bring your sugars into the best range, look at your diet.
If you have a low reading, you will need to eat a variety of fruit between meals to keep your sugars from plummeting. In some extreme cases a person with extreme low urine brix reading should avoid water and drink only fruit juice until the urine brix reading normalizes above 1.5 Brix. Perhaps even before bed you will need a snack. In some instances, low sugar drops lower at night and may cause insomnia. Eating a piece of fruit or 1/2 cup of yogurt before going to bed could possibly be the best remedy for low sugar insomnia.
If you have a high reading it's time for a change in diet. The best thing you could do for yourself is to do whatever it takes to get your sugar down in a healthy manner. Eat a wide variety of fruit throughout the month, just don't overdo it and don't eat any fruit or carbohydrates after 2:00 PM. For some of you with extremely high sugar, you will need to temporarily avoid all fruits and sweets of every conceivable kind for a few weeks allowing your body to normalize its sugars. In every case, more vegetables need to be added to the diet. With a weak digestion you will cook or steam more of your vegetables. With a strong digestion you are free to have more of the vegetables raw. A couple of salads a day with 3-4 different greens, some grated carrots, cabbage, bell peppers, etc., topped with a bit of your favorite dressing to which a teaspoon of good quality olive oil has been added is just delightfully pleasing to the lowering of most high brix readings.
Comfrey has a special property that works the best for normalizing insulin production. To use comfrey pour your favorite juice-about 2 oz.- into a blender and start blending in fresh comfrey leaves. Keep adding the leaves while blending until the juice appears to be "full". Continue blending for 3 minutes or so. Strain the blended liquid to remove the pulp and slip slowly-take 30 minutes to drink this. Alternatively you may use comfrey tea.
Over the course of a couple weeks your energy level may surprise you as your brix reading comes down.
To your Health