Monday, December 24, 2012

Death by Diabetes…NOT!

Diabetes is becoming a national epidemic.

It doesn’t have to affect you or your family. Diabetes is the result of diet and lifestyle habits. Change those habits and diabetes is a thing of the past. Diabetes is the cumulative effect of too much glucose in the bloodstream coupled with too little insulin and not enough vitamin C and chlorophyll in the diet.  Exercise is also lacking in America with our fast-paced but sedentary lifestyle. Exercise is a great means of using up some extra glucose that’s in your bloodstream.

So, what do you do to avoid getting Diabetes?

  1. Go walking. You’ve heard it before, get off the bus or subway one stop early, take the stairs instead of the elevator, & walk to work if its under a mile. The best thing for overall health and wellbeing is to take a walk with empty hands, arms swinging, and nothing on your mind. 30 – 45 minutes a day is enough to create immense changes in your body and it doesn’t matter if you walk all at once or split it up into 2 or 3 different sessions. Just go for a walk!
  2. Avoid “white” products. If its white, it ain’t right. White potatoes, white flour, & white rice give off too much glucose too quickly and creates an imbalance in your system. After a while your body gets tired of dealing with too much stimulation and starts shutting down. Try red potatoes if you must have potatoes. Potatoes would rarely be eaten at all if it weren't for the toppings. Switch to whole grains and brown rice and try to get as much variety in choices as possible.
  3. No “sweets” after 2PM.  At 2 o’clock PM your body starts shifting into evening mode. It’s getting ready for the night shift. When you eat sweets or any high-carbohydrate food after 2PM you are going against your body’s natural bio-rhythm. Your body doesn’t need the energy available from glucose while it’s sleeping so from 2PM till 10PM, it’s trying to use the extra stores of glucose so there won’t be an over abundance in your bloodstream while you’re sleeping. Eating sweets or other high carbohydrates in the afternoon forces your body to deal with that new energy instead of using up the extra stores.
  4. Drink Water. This one should be a no-brainer, but for some reason Americans don’t drink enough water. For cleansing purposes the water you drink should be steam distilled water. This is because steam distilled water is a high-energy, hungry water. It’s ready to absorb all sorts of toxins and debris of cellular metabolism. Water drinking should be evenly paced throughout the day from 8AM to 6PM. To figure out how much water you & your family needs to drink, take your body weight, divide it in 1/2, and call it ounces. So a 150 pound person would drink 75 ounces throughout the day. I recommend breaking this up into 20 servings, one every 1/2 hour. So that would be 3.75 ounces every 1/2 hour.

And what if you already have Diabetes-insulin dependent or not?

I am very confident that if you start implementing these 4 tips your body will start responding. It’s amazing what a few simple changes in your diet and lifestyle can do. Children are very quick to bounce back to good health after implementing healthier habits. Grown-ups take a little longer.
Eat more vegetables, have a simple dinner, laugh, love, sing, & just learn to enjoy life. Your body will thank you for it.

For more information or to sign up for a free confidential health history to discuss your 3 main health goals, click here.

Don’t forget to sign up for my Monthly Newsletter. It’s chalk full of tips and tricks for a healthier, happier family.
Until next time, have a wonderful healthy day!
To Your Health,
Debbie Rich, HC