If you are a Health Coach
who truly cares about the complete and total health and welfare of your clients then you will not want to miss out on the benefits of using RBTI in your Health Coaching Practice.
What Is RBTI?
Reams' Biological Theory of Ionization
RBTI is a means to measure progress and determine the direction you and your clients need to go in order to achieve maximum wellness without having to guess. Through a simple self-administered test, a client gets personally involved in the "knowing" and they will learn how to take control of their life from a new perspective as you guide them in making proper decisions. The equation that results from an RBTI test allows you to keep track of positive and negative progress while allowing you to key in on special needs a client may have. There are many different theories of what is the "proper" diet which is very confusing to say the least. Trying to find the "proper" diet for you or your client requires a good deal of guesswork. The RBTI test allows you to remove all of the guesswork and start from a very solid foundation to build a personalized dietary and lifestyle platform that is different for every bio-individual human being on this planet.
- How much available energy the body has
- Whether too much or too little carbohydrates are being consumed
- Calcium deficiencies
- Too much or not enough conductivity from "salts" in the system
- How much toxic protein waste is hanging out in the body
- Adequate or inadequate levels of Vit C, Vit D, Potassium, Iodine, Iron, and literally all the minerals
- Water intake-is it adequate or are you drowning
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