Thursday, September 22, 2011

Flaxseeds for Breast Cancer

A diet rich in flaxseeds can prevent the risk of dying from breast cancer by 40 percent, according to a new German study.

Brown Flax Seed, 100% OrganicThe researchers at German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, noticed that a diet rich in seeds, vegetables, and whole wheat contain phytoestrogens, a special plant compound, that can ward off cancer cells and prevent secondary tumors by curbing the growth of new blood vessels.

‘Lignans’ are the most important phytoestrogens, which are very plentiful in flaxseeds, the researchers claim.

A similar study was conducted by Thompson and her colleagues at The Department of Nutritional Science, University of Toronto. Their report suggested that flax seeds can have a positive effect in reducing growth of tumors, particularly the type of tumor found in post-menopausal breast cancer in women. The positive effects have been due to the presence of ‘lignans’. The initial studies indicate that flax seeds, when included in the diet, have beneficial effects in other kinds of cancers too, such as prostate cancer in humans.

Flax (Linseed) belongs to the family Linaceae, and is native to the region from the Middle East to India, although widely cultivated in ancient Egypt. The seeds of the Flax plant have been used as food in Asia and Europe since at least 6000 BCE. Flax Seeds are more than 1/3 oil and they are an excellent source of essential fatty acids, fiber, lignans and omega 3 fatty acids.

Other proven major health benefits of flax seeds are that it helps in stabilizing blood sugar levels, lowers cholesterol and blood pressure levels, and prevents formation of plague in arteries.

Flax seeds are available in two basic varieties – yellow and brown. A tablespoon of ground flax seeds can be mixed with three tablespoons of water and consumed. Else, it can also be mixed with oatmeal, yogurt, salads or any other food item requiring a nutty flavor.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Visit Natural News Store to purchase all of your organic nuts and seeds. They even have them in bulk storable containers.

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