Thursday, December 16, 2010

Milk, Lies, & Video Tape

Reporters at a Fox News affiliate in
Florida did an in-depth investigation
of the dangers of Monsanto's BST
in milk and its clear connection to
cancer in people who consume the
milk. Monsanto lawyers heard about
the story and threatened the network
with "dire consequences" if the
program was aired. The network
tried to bribe the reporters to change
the story. They refused. The station then
threatened to fire them. They fought
back. Fox fired them for insubordination.

Bottom Line: This story is to remind you
not to believe anything you read, see, or
hear in the mass media regarding medicine,
alleged scientific studies, drug campaigns,
or matters concerning your health and
well-being.  Anything and everything
presented to you is likely tainted by
what effect the story has on their
advertising dollars.

Click on this website to view the incredible cover up story:

Please forward this information to your
family, friends and associates. If they're
drinking milk from hormone-injected
cows, this story could save their life.
And they certainly won't get this
information from the mainstream media.

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